Video Gallery



- December 2009

A Conversation between Frederic Tuten and Ross Bleckner

– Part 1 of 2

A Conversation between Frederic Tuten and Ross Bleckner

– Part 2 of 2

Reading L’Odysée at The Center for Fiction

Boys in the Bronx featuring Frederic Tuten and Jerome Charyn

Frederic Tuten: My Young Life

Ship at Anchor” from Self Portraits: Fictions reading at The Strand

- Part 1 of 5

Ship at Anchor” from Self Portraits: Fictions reading at The Strand

- Part 2 of 5

Ship at Anchor” from Self Portraits: Fictions reading at The Strand

- Part 3 of 5

Ship at Anchor” from Self Portraits: Fictions reading at The Strand

- Part 4 of 5

Ship at Anchor” from Self Portraits: Fictions reading at The Strand

- Part 5 of 5